Visual Studio 2019 SSIS dtexec config file Azure Blob Key

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My question is around : storing Azure blob key in config file.

Below is the picture of my package overview. I'm trying to pull data from Oracle source and put a flat file on Azure blob storage (in csv format). That is the scope of this SSIS package. Right side of picture shares that I can execute the package via commandline if **Protection level =' EncryptSensistiveWithUserKey' **

But NOW packages need to be run via a service account and not developer, architects accounts. Looping back into my question: HOW do I store blob key in config file by setting the **Protection level = 'DONOTSAVESENSITIVE'** . Config file code after the package overview. VS2019 SSIS Package overview

Config File currently being used

<?xml version="1.0"?><DTSConfiguration><DTSConfigurationHeading><DTSConfigurationFileInfo GeneratedBy="BI\MonkeyMan" GeneratedFromPackageName="Package" GeneratedFromPackageID="{9BDF0000-CAC9-4823-A6D8-EE59C3BB31A0}" GeneratedDate="4/6/2020 6:48:57 PM"/></DTSConfigurationHeading><Configuration ConfiguredType="Property" Path="\Package.Connections[Prod v18].Properties[ConnectionString]" ValueType="String">
<ConfiguredValue>SERVER=;USERNAME=MonkeyMan;WINAUTH=0;data source=;user id=MonkeyMan;password=isharemypasswords;

Finally picture of when I try to run the package via dtexec with protection level set to DO NOT SAVE SENSITIVE. ERROR VIA DTEXEC Thanks for all your help around this.


There are 1 answers

Gigga On

The easiest way might be to use the builtin config-editor and select the properties you want to save to the config file.

Here's one tutorial to set it up: