Visual Studio 2017 - stream analytics projects local run fails

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I am prototyping an ASA job with Visual Studio 2017. I have created input and outputs and a ASA query.

This is the query, which I want to test. The query runs successfully in a productive environment and I wanted to test different input data.

  System.TimeStamp cts,
  CONCAT(cast(event.p as nvarchar(max)),'_avg15') as p,
  event.p as pt,
  AVG(paraM.ArrayValue.v) as avg_v
INTO [docdbOutput]
FROM [iotinput] as event TIMESTAMP by event.cts
CROSS APPLY GetArrayElements(event.params) AS paraM
WHERE (paraM.ArrayValue.t = 1 and event.type = 4)
group by event.p,  event.ttl, paraM.ArrayValue.mi, paraM.ArrayValue.pi, 

I have generated some test data too. Executing locally the job fails with the error message "Error: the accesss to the path "generated" was denied"

Have a look at the output of the locally executed job

I am struggeling now for 2 hours and have no idea, what is wrong. I think, the failure is caused by some settings of the "local executing" environment, but I have not found any hints how solve this issue.

In the past I had created an alternate ASA project, which is still working and generating output files (csv and json). I have started VS 2017 as administrator and as user.

Any advice is welcome


There are 1 answers

Michael Hauszer On

I solved this issue. I opened my Visual Studio IDE in Administrator mode, and and now the project "runs locally" with local input and you created a query result.