I want to do a query to my product custom field when you press checkout
function plgVmConfirmedOrder ($cart, $order) {
$plugin = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('vmcustom', 'mi_plg');
$pluginParams = new JRegistry();
$order_bt = $order['items'];
$user_id = $order_bt->virtuemart_user_id;
$order_number = $order_bt->virtuemart_order_item_id;
this foreach is when I get to enter the parameters I want //foreach ($atri as $key) {
return false;
return true;
When you press checkout you delete the cart and the current prodcuts and its attributes i must to enter in the order but i cant. help my please
Hi I'll put the answer in case someone else needs it:
we need to add a private variable in the beginning of our class vmcustom plugin that variable and assign our array with our custom fields and then call that variable from our function