Vimperator pass-through/unset <C-Tab> by default

962 views Asked by At

By default is mapped to gt command, which selects next tab. I want to pass-through to Crtl+Tab plugin which does MRU for tabs.

Any idea?


There are 3 answers

Niels Albstein On

Since you want to pass-through, use:

:map <C-Tab> i<C-Tab>

Liviu On

you can map C-Tab to gt command and, maybe, Control-Shift-Tab to gT command.

:inoremap <C-Tab> gt
:inoremap <C-S-Tab> gT

save your vimperatorrc with :mkvimperatorrc!

Dmitry Frank On

1) Use pentadactyl instead of vimperator. (pentadactyl is a fork of vimperator) 2) put in ~/_pentadactylrc the following:

nm <C-Tab> <Pass>
nm <C-S-Tab> <Pass>

Then pentadactyl will pass these events directly to Firefox.