Vim Taglist Yellow Highlight on Tags

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I have just now installed tag list plugin. It is working fine except when, from the tag list window, I try to press Enter then the corresponding tag becomes yellow colored and hence I could not see anymore what I just searched for. How to change the color to more visible one?

Also the searched Tag position is not fixed, it does not come in alignment with the tag in tag list window, is there any way to solve this?

The line which I am actually trying to copy/paste in my .vimrc is

highlight Search        ctermfg=red ctermbg=NONE cterm=bold,underline

Thanks in advance.


There are 2 answers

Xavier T. On

You'll probably find the Yellow color, by typing :highlight. It lists all the different highlight groups (Comments, Function, Search,..), and the associated color.

The color of the different highlight groups are defined in the colorscheme.

You can find the current colorscheme in use by typing :colorscheme.

Then you have different options.

  1. You can edit the colorscheme to modify the Yellow to something more readable that is stored in $HOME/.vim/colors (or $VIMRUNTIME/.vim/colors for system wide modification).
  2. You can decide to use a completely different colorscheme by adding in your .vimrc a line, with colorscheme new_theme.
  3. You can redefine the value of the single highlight group you want to change in your .vimrc

Assuming you want to modify the 'Search' group, you have to clear it first. For example, in your .vimrc:

 colorscheme  delek
 highlight Search    NONE
 highlight Search    gui=none      guifg=#544060 guibg=#f0c0ff ctermbg=1

You can find more information by using Vim built-in help. :help highlight :help colorscheme

romainl On

To answer your second question about alignment, TagList is AFAIK not supposed to do that so there's nothing to "solve". If you want that feature, send a feature request to the author.