I have the following three lines to style comments in my syntax file. Comments start with #
and are allowed to be inline or on a seperate line.
syn keyword myTodo contained TODO FIXME
syn match myComment "^#.*" contains=myTodo
syn match myComment "\s#.*"ms=s+1 contains=myTodo
It does work as long as there is no character (includes braces, etc) right before the #
I tryed to create a rule like this:
syn match myComment ".*#.*"ms=s+1 contains=myTodo
but this would style the whole line as comment.
What do I have to do to make it style correctly, even if there is a character right before the #
syn match myComment "\s*#.*"ms=s+1 contains=myTodo
Hightlights the text after #
correctly and the text before #
is not styled as a comment but the #
isn't styled as comment.
If I understood well, there is no need to describe the match before the sharp sign.
What happens if you simply try this:
It's a simple case, which doesn't handle the case where a sharp sign is included into a string for example (if there is some strings in your syntax). To handle this additionnally, you can add: