ViewModel properties for properties of nested classes inside the model

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I have an application following the MVVM pattern, that has to serialize XML files. As some of the XML attributes are nested, I've created nested classes inside my Model, like this:

public class OPER_FILE
    public UNB unb { get; set; }
    public OPER oper { get; set; }    //nested class, level 1

    public OPER_FILE()
        unb = new UNB();
        oper = new OPER();

public class OPER
    public UNH unh { get; set; }    //these are all nested classes, level 2
    public UVT uvt { get; set; }
    public VIN vin { get; set; }

    public OPER()
        unh = new UNH();
        uvt = new UVT();

#region "nested classes"
public class UNB
    public string unb { get; set; }
    public string unb_2 { get; set; }

public class UNH
    public string unh { get; set; }
    public string unh_2 { get; set; }

public class UVT
    public string uvt { get; set; }
    public string uvt_1 { get; set; }
    public string uvt_2 { get; set; }

public class VIN 
    public string vin { get; set; }
    public string vin_1 { get; set; }
    public string vin_2 { get; set; }
    public string vin_3 { get; set; }
    public string vin_4 { get; set; }

The attributes of the nested classes are all strings, because this simplifies the XML serialization for now (I'm still in the conception phase).

In my corresponding ViewModel, I've simply created a property for the nested class inside the model, so I can access all of the nested properties with just referring to this nested class from the ViewModel.

public class OPERViewModel : IViewModelBase
    private OPER_FILE Model;

    public UNB unb 
        { return Model.unb;}
        { Model.unb = value; }

    public OPER oper
        { return Model.oper; }    //this is the tricky part, by now I'm just referring to the nested class as a property of the model
        { Model.oper = value; }

    public OPERViewModel()
    { Model = new OPER_FILE(); }

The question is, however, that I want to display some of the properties not as strings but as boolean values using checkboxes on the UI.

Saying I want to display as boolean (where the ViewModel should manage the conversion from string to bool in the getter of its own property reflection of, how would I do that?

Would I really have to implement every nested property from a nested class as an own property of the ViewModel (like stated below) to gain control over the way it will be returned to the UI?

//ViewModel-implementation with type-conversion of a property from a nested class of the model
//this would get bind to the UI instead of
public bool vin_1    
        if ( == "1")
        { return true; }
        { return false; }
        if (value)
        { = "1"; }
        { = "0"; }

I hope there is a better solution out there...


What I forgot to mention before, there're not only strings that have to be displayed as booleans, also DateTime-values that should be displayed as a DatePicker-control, integer-values that I would like to have as NumberPickers and so on.

The xml-file, on the other hand, will be consumed by an interface with some pretty fixed regulations that i need to match, such a dynamically leading zeros on both integer- and float-values, special date formats and commas instead of dots as decimal separators. So sticking with the string-values inside the object to serialize is a good way of maintaining control over how the values would get actually parsed inside the xml-file.

I'll try and experiment with some different converters, as @BrandlyDOTNet reommended, but are still curious about how this could be solved in another way.


There are 1 answers


There's a different solution out there, namely that you can use a converter to define the translation between your strings and a bool.

Something like:

public class StringToBoolConverter : IValueConverter
   public object Convert(...)
       return value.ToString() != "0";

   public object ConvertBack(...)
       bool boolVal = (bool)value;
       return boolVal ? "1" : "0";


<CheckBox IsChecked={Binding SomeProp, Converter={StaticResource StringToBoolConverter}"/>

But to answer your deeper question, no, the framework will not just convert the string "1" into a bool. Moreover, you can strongly type your object that is being serialized, so none of this is actually necessary.