View not found on my laravel package tests

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I'm trying to add blade directives for my Laravel package.

Everything is fine but on testing stage, I'm getting this error:

1) MahbodHastam\UserWallet\Tests\Feature\BladeTest::show_user_wallet_balance
InvalidArgumentException: View [userWalletBalance] not found.

Should I put $this->loadViewsFrom(...) in the service provider?

View path: /tests/resources/views/userWalletBalance.blade.php

Test path: /tests/Feature/BladeTest.php

I also tried to move the resources directory into Feature directory (beside the BladeTest.php) but got the same error.

This is my code on BladeTest.php:

public function show_user_wallet_balance() {
    $wallet = UserWallet::getWallet(wallet_id: 1);

    $this->assertEquals('1000', $this->renderView('userWalletBalance', ['wallet' => $wallet]));

protected function renderView($view, $with) {

    return trim((string) view($view)->with($with));

There are 1 answers

Mahbod Ahmadi On BEST ANSWER

I fixed it :D

Instead of loading views from files, I used the InteractsWithViews trait (which is on the Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns namespace) to render the blade like the code below:

$renderedView = (string) $this->blade("@userWalletBalance($wallet)");

$this->assertEquals('1000', trim($renderedView));