I have a VS 2013 RC 4 Azure Webjobs project that I'm currently debugging.
The project is a console project and has a function that uses a QueueTrigger
I get the following errors in the console output when I run the job and insert a message to the template-mail-requests
Azure queue.
Job host started
Executing: 'Functions.ProcessQueueMessage' because New queue message detected on 'template-mail-requests'.
Function had errors. See Azure WebJobs SDK dashboard for details. Instance id is a29182d2-42da-46b9-9443-6054ab98dfc8
The function signature is
public static async Task ProcessQueueMessage([QueueTrigger("template-mail-requests")] TemplateMailRequest mailRequest, string id, int dequeueCount, TextWriter log)
How can i view the Azure webjobs SDK dashboard for a locally running WebJobs SDK project to debug why I'm getting this error (its likely Json Deserialization but I need to know more about which element is causing the issue)?
To get the Dashboard to run locally you can sync the dashboard sources from GitHub and add your Storage connectionstring and run the dashboard locally.