I am using videosdk for video meeting in my website. Everything is working fine on Android and desktop but while using iPhone, it starts back camera instead of front camera. However, I have used facing mode as front.
async function startMeeting(token, meetingId, name) {
let customVideoTrack = await window.VideoSDK.createCameraVideoTrack({
optimizationMode: "motion",
encoderConfig: "h1080p_w1440p",//h540p_w960p
facingMode: "front",
let customAudioTrack = await VideoSDK.createMicrophoneAudioTrack({
encoderConfig: "high_quality",
noiseConfig: {
noiseSuppresion: true,
echoCancellation: true,
autoGainControl: true,
This is happening on both safari and chrome browser.