vibe.d application code porting trouble

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Vibe.d has undergone a lot of breaking changes. The same applied to the compiler.

I'm trying to get running a piece of code written back in 2012 with an earlier release of the compiler and .

My porting effort is in vain and I am requesting help to settle that.

What I've done so far

The depracation of vibe.core.signal module is such a major event among others.

So in a module, I've replaced

import vibe.core.signal;


    Signal m_signal;
m_signal = createSignal();


import vibe.core.sync;


    ManualEvent m_signal;
m_signal = createManualEvent();

My Question

I can't find a proper way to port the following snippet


to the my current versions of and .

I suspect that I should drop it given the breaking changes applied but I am not quite sure of my assumption.

What should I do?

More questions to come! I prefer FTB to serialize them by tackling one by one the issues I came across.

Details about my Box

  • Windows 32 bits
  • DMD v2.065
  • DUB v0.9.22

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