I am new to VHDL. I have this entity (shortened):
entity foo is
port (CLK : in std_logic;
out_A : out std_logic;
end foo;
architecture Structure of foo is
component D_Flipflop
port (
D : in std_logic;
CLK : in std_logic;
Q : out std_logic;
not_Q : out std_logic);
end component;
signal D_A, qA, not_qA : std_logic;
my_Flipflop : D_Flipflop
port map(
end Structure;
As you can see, I want to use the D_Flipflop
like a Toggle-Flipflop, so I redirected the output to the input by the signal not_qA
(is that possible?). The problem is that from outside, only the port CLK
of foo
is visible as input and - at least in the Vivado Simulator - the signals qA
and not_qA
are never evaluated.
This is the architecture of D_Flipflop
architecture Behavioral of D_Flipflop is
set_state : process(CLK, D)
variable state : std_logic := '0';
if falling_edge(CLK) then
state := D;
Q <= state;
not_Q <= not state;
end if;
end process set_state;
end Behavioral;
I googled a lot for this. No chance. Any solutions?
It's not as you indicate in the title to the question that the internal signal to component
didn't trigger, it's that there is no method to provide a known non-meta value state - the not of 'U' is 'U'.This is caused by the
operator. Refer to the not_table in the body of package std_logic_1164:See the changes and the added testbench:
output of the D_Flipflop has been initialized to '0' (it could have as easily been initialized to '1'). This represents the equivalent of a collector set for the Flip Flop on power up.Now the Flip Flop can toggle - it has a known non-meta value on the
input.This gives: