I set the part of the textView is clickable using SpannableString. But it is very difficult for me to detect a long press my textView.
private fun makeTextLink(textView: TextView, str: String, underlined: Boolean, color: Int?, action: (() -> Unit)? = null) {
val spannableString = SpannableString(textView.text)
val textColor = color ?: textView.currentTextColor
val clickableSpan = object : ClickableSpan() {
override fun onClick(textView: View) {
override fun updateDrawState(drawState: TextPaint) {
drawState.isUnderlineText = underlined
drawState.color = textColor
val index = spannableString.indexOf(str)
spannableString.setSpan(clickableSpan, index, index + str.length, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE)
textView.text = spannableString
textView.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()
textView.highlightColor = Color.TRANSPARENT