I have a message box that repeats itself whenever you click ok- which is the only option, by the way.
My code:
'Very Annoying script'
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
intMessage = Msgbox("Click ok to say yes",16, "Is this messagebox annoying?")
If intMessage = vbOK Then
End If
'Very Annoying script'
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
intMessage = Msgbox("Click ok to say yes",16, "Is this messagebox annoying?")
If intMessage = vbOK Then
End If
End sub
Can I end the following script without ending the process labeled Micorosft Windows based Script Host'? That includes not running the cmd line (It won't work)
taskkill /im wscript.exe
going to the task manager.
If you use this command
taskkill /IM wscript.exe /F
; You kill all the running vbscript, but If you have a lot of a running script in loop with differents paths, you can use this vbscript to choose which one to be killed or not .So the aim of this script is to select and focus to the process that you want to be killed and you can also save it in a log file. Just give a try ;)