I fit a vector autoregression model on the Canada data in the vars package and then restrict based on a t-value of 1.64.
var.can1 <- VAR(Canada, p = 2, type = "none")
VAR Estimation Results:
Endogenous variables: e, prod, rw, U
Deterministic variables: none
Sample size: 82
Log Likelihood: -184.045
Roots of the characteristic polynomial:
1 0.9783 0.9113 0.9113 0.7474 0.1613 0.1613 0.1572
VAR(y = Canada, p = 2, type = "none")
# AIC BIC etc.
VARSelect(Canada, lag.max = 2, type = "none")$criteria
var.can2 <- restrict(var.can1, method = "ser", thresh = 1.64)
VAR Estimation Results:
Endogenous variables: e, prod, rw, U
Deterministic variables: none
Sample size: 82
Log Likelihood: -191.376
Roots of the characteristic polynomial:
1 0.9742 0.9272 0.9272 0.7753 0.2105 0.2105 0.005071
VAR(y = Canada, p = 2, type = "none")
I then want to obtain the revised information criteria, but cannot see a way to do this. Does anyone know how?
So I try to derive the AIC for the unrestricted model:
vars::VARselect(Canada, lag.max = 2, type = "none")$criteria
1 2
AIC(n) -5.600280680 -6.082112784
HQ(n) -5.411741957 -5.705035337
SC(n) -5.130676924 -5.142905272
FPE(n) 0.003697972 0.002289041
s <- summary(var.can1)
e prod rw U
e 0.140560073 0.0056629572 -0.03893668 -0.0798565366
prod 0.005662957 0.4358209615 0.06689687 -0.0005118419
rw -0.038936678 0.0668968657 0.60125872 0.0309232731
U -0.079856537 -0.0005118419 0.03092327 0.0899478736
From New introduction to multiple time series analysis Luetkepohl, Helmut 2007, pg 147:
$$AIC(m) = ln(det(covres)) + \frac{2mk^2}{T}$$
m is lag order, k is number of series, T is sample size
But I get:
-6.451984 + 2*2*4^2/84 = -5.69
which does not equal -5.600280680
Digging around in the code I find that the residual covariance matrix that is reported in the summary is not what is actually used to compute the AIC.
Pretty frustrating, some would say a bug.