I'm using Proc GLM to fit a basic fixed effects model and I want to get the variance/covariance matrix. I know this is very east to do if you fit a model with proc reg, but the model I'm fitting has a separate slope for each member of a class (over 50 members of the class) and thus I don't want to code dummy variables for all of them.
Is there any way to get the variance covariance matrix from a fit using proc glm.
Here is an example with made up data and my code. I would like to get a variance-covariance matrix of the estimates.
data example;
input price cat time x2 x3;
5000 1 1 5.4 50
6000 1 2 6 45
3000 1 3 7 60
4000 2 1 5 50
4500 2 2 5.4 75
4786 3 1 6 33
6500 3 2 5.8 36
1010 3 3 4 41
proc glm data=example PLOTS(UNPACK)=DIAGNOSTIC;
class cat;
model price= cat time x2 x3/ noint solution;
I get a parameter estimate for each category (these are essentially nuisance parameters) and then I'm interested in the Covariance matrix of the estimates time, x2 and x3.
You need to add output to a file: (I disabled on screen print in purpose, but feel free to enable it as you need.)
Resulting to:
Edit: Updated the output statement.
For more on on keywords see https://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/statug/63033/HTML/default/viewer.htm#statug_glm_sect020.htm
Hopefully this is what you're after.