Vanity not using Redis to Go server on Heroku

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I've recently deployed some A/B testing experiments using vanity to my heroku instance. However, whenever I access the dashboard i.e. /vanity The following error shows up in the logs

- ActionView::Template::Error (Connection refused - Unable to connect to Redis on
-     1: <ul class="experiments">
-     2:   <% experiments.sort_by { |id, experiment| experiment.created_at }.reverse.each do |id, experiment| %>
-     3:     <li class="experiment <%= experiment.type %>" id="experiment_<%=vanity_h id.to_s %>">
-     4:     <%= render :file => Vanity.template("_experiment"), :locals => { :id => id, :experiment => experiment } %>
-     5:     </li>

However, the redis to go url seems to be set up correctly and vanity seems to be able to access it e.g.

irb(main):011:0> Vanity.playground.connection
=> redis://

Anyone know what I could be doing wrong ?

 my vanity.rb config file is fairly standard

      adapter: redis
      connection: redis://localhost:6379/0
      adapter: redis
      connection: <%= ENV["REDISTOGO_URL"] %>
      adapter: redis
      connection: <%= ENV["REDISTOGO_URL"] %>
      adapter: redis
      connection: <%= ENV["REDISTOGO_URL"] %>

and also the ENV["REDISTOGO_URL"] seems correct

irb(main):012:0> ENV["REDISTOGO_URL"]
=> "redis://redistogo:[email protected]:9231/"

And I can access Redis from the rest of the app, it just seems that Vanity is not picking it up for this template..


There are 1 answers

reillyse On BEST ANSWER

Ok, I've figured this one out. When we fork with unicorn I wasn't reconnecting to the correct redis server and instead defaulting to the localhost. This code snippet in unicorn.rb sorts it out.

after_fork do |server, worker|
  # the following is *required* for Rails + "preload_app true",

I'm sure its similar for other forking servers too.