value from php EOT causing javascript map error

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trying to render mapSvg via value from php.

however having an issue when mapSvg trying to read value from php variable...

if I bring in php value into chosen_source, then and do this


then this above line will trigger the mapsvg getComputedStyle error.

if I directly hardcode jQuery('#map-newyork').mapSvg( then no error

if I declare var chosen_source = 'newyork';
then no error.

mapsvg.min.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'getComputedStyle' on 'Window': parameter 1 is not of type 'Element'.
    at new MapSVG.ResizeSensor (mapsvg.min.js:1:746)
    at Object.setResponsive (mapsvg.min.js:3:2667)
    at Object.setSize (mapsvg.min.js:3:2119)
    at Object.<anonymous> (mapsvg.min.js:4:25190)
    at c (jquery-3.6.0.min.js:2:28327)
    at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery-3.6.0.min.js:2:29072)
    at l (jquery-3.6.0.min.js:2:79901)


$state = "newyork";

$printout = <<<EOT

    var view_width = jQuery("#content").width();
    var chosen_source = `{$state}`;
    var w = 1000;
    var h = 500;
    var vB = [map_source.get(chosen_source).get('vb_L')];

    {width: w,
    height: h,
    source: "/map/"+ map_source.get(chosen_source).get('source') 

echo $printout;

anyone have solution on this?


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