Validate Integer in Form Input Using is_numeric

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In my form, a team's score is input, validated by the PHP script and then passed to the MySQL database. However, I want to make sure that a positive integer is being submitted, so there are no problems on the back-end when league standings are tabulated.

Research led me to the conclusion that using is_numeric would be the best way to go about this. However, it fails to recognize zero as an integer and that presents a problem for me. When I echo it in an array by itself, it shows as true, but something about the way I've written it in the script is not working.

I tried converting the $_POST with intval first and then processing the number with is_numeric, but that doesn't seem to help. Here's the code:

// Validate the away score:
if (empty($_POST['away_score'])) {
    echo "You forgot to enter the away score.<br>";
    $validate = 'false';
} elseif (!is_numeric($_POST['away_score'])) {
    echo "You entered an invalid score for the away team.<br>";
    $validate = 'false';
} else {
    $away_score_value = mysqli_real_escape_string($db, trim($_POST['away_score']));
    $validate = 'true';

Any thoughts?


There are 8 answers


The string '0' is not truthy. That means that anything that checks it in a boolean'ish manner will treat it as false. In particular, empty($_POST['away_score']) will evaluate to true, so is_numeric would never even get a chance to fail.

Short version: empty is too wishy-washy in this case. Check for null and '' explicitly.

if (!isset($_POST['away_score']) or $_POST['away_score'] == '') {
federico-t On

But using is_numeric is the proper way of checking whether a given input is or not a number in PHP, and


should return bool(true). Have you tried is_int instead?

RobotChief On
elseif (!is_numeric(POST[$_'$away_score']) && !is_null(POST[$_'$away_score']))

Because 0 (or null) is not a numeric value, you have to check if the score isn't null.

mpyw On

try {

    // Check if user submitted "away_score" with valid form.
    // "away_score" can be UNDEFINED or STRING or ARRAY.
    if (!isset($_POST['away_score']) || !is_string($away_score = $_POST['away_score'])) {
        throw new RuntimeException('You cannot access without valid form submitting.');
    // If "away_score" is not filled in, this will be EMPTY STRING.
    if ($away_score === '') {
        throw new RuntimeException('You forgot to enter the away score.');
    // Check if trimmed "away_score" has only digits.
    if (!ctype_digit($away_score = trim($away_score))) {
        throw new RuntimeException('You entered an invalid score for the away team.');

    // do something

} catch (Exception $e) {

    printf("<p>%s</p>\n", $e->getMessage());

Dejan Marjanović On
ctype_digit( (string) $score);

preg_match('#^\d+$#', $score);

In b4 @EmilioGort

boolean false

int 0
Emilio Gort On

Using regex

if (preg_match('/\A\d++\z/', $variable)){//including 0
 //do somthing
 echo "This is not a Positive Integer"

is_numeric(4.2) return true with float

is_int(2) return false if the data are obtained using supergloblals like $_POST or $_GET

1111161171159459134 On
} elseif (!preg_match('/^([0-9]+)$/', $_POST['away_score'], $m)) {
  $AwayScore = $m[1];  # $AwayScore to go to mysql
  echo 'not numeric!';
  $valid = false;

This just works!
preg_match() works for any type, including integer/long/float, anything!

sectus On

You could use built-in validation. Explore few examples from Validation examples. And read about filter_input.

For example.

var_dump(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'score', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array(
    'options' => array(
        'min_range' => 1,
        'max_range' => 5,

P.S. use prepared statements.