I want to have a field and a widget that lets have an "approximated" date, the idea is have one and only one of the following :
- Exact date
- A year and maybe a month
- An initial and an end year
Some compressed valid values could be:
- "1988/08/07,,,,"
- ",1988,,,"
- ",1988,08,,"
- ",,,1997,1999"
The problem is that I'm unable to validate the fields to have only one of the three options described above, in the Field definition I tried creating validate and clean methods, but it's not getting validating, I suspect that the link between the fields and widgets is not right. What am I missing?
To accomplish this I created a Widget:
class ApproximatedDateWidget(forms.MultiWidget):
def __init__(self, attrs=None,choices=()):
self.widgets = (
super(ApproximatedDateWidget, self).__init__(self.widgets, attrs=attrs)
def decompress(self,value):
try :
print value
if value:
print l
if l[0] and l[0]!="":
print d
return [date(int(d[0]),int(d[1]),int(d[2])),None,None,None,None]
return [None, l[1], l[2], l[3], l[4]]
return [None, None, None, None, None]
return [None, None, None, None, None]
def format_output(self,rendered_widgets):
return mark_safe(u"""<table>
<tr><td>Exact date:</td><td colspan="3">{0}</td></tr>
<tr><td>Year and month:</td><td>{1}</td><td colspan="2">{2}</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>Year</td><td colspan="2">Month</td></tr>
And the form Field:
from tools import MonthChoices
from validators import nullableinteger
class ApproximatedDateField(forms.MultiValueField):
Field that allows having an approximated date, one of
exact date, month and year or range of years
def __init__(self, required=False, widget=None, label=None, initial=None,
help_text=None,attrs={}, *args, **kwargs):
self.widget = ApproximatedDateWidget(attrs=attrs,choices=MonthChoices)
fields = (
super(ApproximatedDateField, self).__init__(fields=fields,required=required, widget=widget,
label=label, initial=initial, help_text=help_text)
def compress(self,data_list):
return """{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}""".format(data_list[0].strftime("%d/%m/%Y"),data_list[1],(data_list[2] and data_list[2].id) or "",data_list[3],data_list[4])
def validate(self,values):
super(ApproximatedDateField, self).validate(values)
if values[0] is not None and (values[1] is not None or values[2] is not None) and (values[1] is not None or values[2] is not None):
raise ValidationError(u'Please only fill exact date or year and month or the range years')
def clean(self,values):
super(ApproximatedDateField, self).clean(values)
if values[0] is not None and (values[1] is not None or values[2] is not None) and (values[1] is not None or values[2] is not None):
raise ValidationError(u'Please only fill exact date or year and month or the range years')
I wrote a custom widget and multi-value field to handle feet and inches: http://djangosnippets.org/snippets/2327/, and also another one that is a math captcha: https://github.com/btaylordesign/django-simple-math-captcha
I put my validation in the compress method of the MultiValueField, which worked great for these. You might have a look at that snippet and repo and see if that gets you on the right track.