Using Web Serial with ReactJS

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I am having a random set of data bits that I need to write to a serial port using a React app. When implementing using vanilla javascript the script is able to write to the esp module using serialport but when implementing the same in reactjs it doesn't work. Do I need to use a server (With Django in backend) or socket protocol instead of directly accessing serial from React.


There are 2 answers

Yourself On

If you are using React, gist exists. Just copy and paste it into a new file, wrap your app in the SerialProvider component, then use useSerial wherever you want to use serial.

Kevin Dick On

You can do this with Chromium browsers (Chrome, Chromium, Edge) at this point using the web serial API. You do not need a backend, but you can call values from a backend in case you have different serial devices (I use this for scales and they are all different).

There are a few libraries that can help you implement this, but you can also do so natively from the API. Here are some resources:

You must, at this point, enable experimental web platform features in chrome://flags/, but this will eventually become part of the browser implementation.

You can test with

You can see device logs at about://device-log

The API requires a user interaction. Basically, when you call the port a window pops up that lists available ports. The user chooses the port (e.g., 'USB Serial Connector' for certain RS-232 to USB adapters). Once connected, the serial device should stream, push or pull depending on its settings.

There are a few libraries that make this easier if you don't want to write your own. In Angular, I use browser-serial and change the values of the 'serialOptions' object with backend data from an API.

Example (the 'serial' object is from the library):

async connectToScale(user: User) {
    if (!user.scale) {
    console.log("Connecting to scale: ", user.scale);

    this.serial.serialOptions = {
      baudRate: user.scale.baud_rate,
      dataBits: user.scale.data_bit,
      stopBits: user.scale.stop_bit,
      bufferSize: user.scale.buffer_size,
      flowControl: "none",

    const regex = new RegExp(user.scale.regex);

    await this.serial.connect();

    this.serial.readLoop((output: string, _done: boolean) => {
      const result = regex.exec(output);
      if (!result) {
        console.warn("Could not parse the scale output - regex issue:\n", output);
        return true;
      console.log("Result from parsing raw scale output:\n", result);

let weight: number;
      weight = parseInt(result[0]);

      const scaleWeight: ScaleWeight = { scale: weight };
      console.log("Pushing to scaleValue:", scaleWeight);;
      return true;