Using VueJs build tools with Laravel

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I am using VueJs with Laravel and am using the Laravel's default installation of VueJs with their Laravel-Mix.

I want to use Babel, Eslint and Vue-Router all of which don't seem to come with Laravel's default installation?

How can I use the Vue Cli to handle all of this with Laravel or do I need to pull everything in separately, something that the Vue Cli was built for?


There are 2 answers

Stephan-v On BEST ANSWER

The Vue CLI is meant for bootstrapping SPA's from scratch where the main intent is a Vue.js powered website.

You are using Laravel here which always has everything bootstrapped so I guess it would be easiest to include it yourself. From my understanding Babel is already included.

If you want to also use ESLint and vue-router you can look at the Github repositories from the Vue.js CLI on how to set it up:

It is not that hard to set up.

JoeSchr On

I wanted to change my laravel-mix application to use vue-cli without having to lose the possiblity to serve my *.blade.php files with laravel directly. After a few days I got it working, hope it helps somebody else.

For reference, this uses as starting point. I originally posted it here but will copy and paste the whole workaround here:

After banging my head against it the whole of yesterday and today, I got figured out how to still use it with a blade file.

This is more a hack/workaround until it is better supported, but works at my end. The goal is to still use my index.blade.html which has the <meta name="csrf-token" content="{{ csrf_token() }}"> inside, because I still need to use it until I build my authentication with Vue. Also I wanted to get a HMRis beheavior work, so I could still use yarn serve while developing instead of having to rerun yarn build everytime I change anything. For this we will create our own vuemix helper to replace laravel-mix mix() in our .blade.html files. I used best practices described here for this.

So without further ado:

We need to create 2 new files: - /bootstrap/helpers.php - /frontend/hmr/hot

helper.php: this file adds a new laravel/blade/php helper vuemix() which we will use in our blade file instead of mix()


if (! function_exists('vuemix')) { /** * Get the path to a versioned Mix file. * * @param string $path * @param string $manifestDirectory * @return \Illuminate\Support\HtmlString|string * * @throws \Exception */ function vuemix($path, $manifestDirectory = '') { if (! Str::startsWith($path, '/')) { $path = "/{$path}"; }

    // check if HMR server is running via helper file 'hot'
    if (file_exists(public_path($manifestDirectory.'/hot'))) {
        $url = file_get_contents(public_path($manifestDirectory.'/hot'));
        $main = '/app.js'; // only use this as path, because css, etc are already packed in HMR mode

        if (Str::startsWith($url, ['http://', 'https://'])) {
            return new HtmlString(Str::after($url, ':').$main);

        return new HtmlString('//localhost:8080'.$main);
    return new HtmlString($path); // return path without changing anything aka production
} } ```

after we have to also add our new "helpers.php" to /composer.json so laravel knows to load it:

"autoload": { ...
"files": [ ... "bootstrap/helpers.php" ] },

with that out of the way, in your index.blade.html file replace all occurrences of mix() e.g. <body> <div id="app"> </div><!-- #app --> <!-- Scripts --> @stack('before-scripts') {!! script(mix('js/app.js')) !!} </body> with

<body> <div id="app"> </div><!-- #app --> <!-- Scripts --> @stack('before-scripts') {{script(vuemix('js/app.js'))}} {{script(vuemix('js/chunk-vendors.js'))}} </body>

you can do the same with your css files, it will then load app.js for it, since yarn serve seems to pack the css into the livereload app.js.


one detailed which took me forever: if you are coming from laravel-mix you probably only link your app.js and you are done. but here you also have to link chunk-vendors.js, which for some reason get's splitted and I can't turn off, because it's a feature. so if you only had 1 line of linked JS, you now need two.

Almost done. Now we just have to edit your package.json and vue.config.json so it creates and temporary hot file when yarn serve is started and also doesn't overwrite your index.php and creates your js files without version hashes when you use yarn build. because we have linked them above directly without these hashed. the hot file modus operanti I got from laravel-mix as a way to figure out if we are using yarn serve or yarn build. don't hit me for it, I told you it's hackish ;)

package.json: edit this scripts, to copy and remove our hot file "scripts": { "serve": "cp ./hmr/hot ../public/ && vue-cli-service serve", "build": "rm -rf ../public/{js,css,img,hot} && vue-cli-service build --no-clean", } pay attention to hot on the build line, it looks almost the same then the original line.

now create /frontend/hmr/hot and fill it with this: http://localhost:8080/

now vue.config.json add this lines, from vue-cli documentation: //// Disable Index.html Generation // disable hashes in filenames filenameHashing: false, // delete HTML related webpack plugins chainWebpack: config => { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") { config.plugins.delete('html') config.plugins.delete('preload') config.plugins.delete('prefetch') } },

you can also edit indexPath back, since index isn't generated anymore while building: // modify the location of the generated HTML file. // make sure to do this only in production. indexPath: "index.html",

And with this it should now be possible to use yarn serve and yarn build with a "classical" laravel blade setup.