I try to plot several curves on a same plot using variables from a shell script. My problem is that I do not succeed in collecting the variables and use them in gnuplot.
Here is my code:
for elem in AMD WALE SIM;
echo $elem
Utau_$elem=$(awk 'FNR==5{print $1}' file_$elem)
gnuplot -persist <<-EOFMarker
list= "AMD WALE SIM"
plot for [i in list] "stat_".i u 1:($1/Utau_.i) @ title_i
This script aim at avoiding to write all the plot sentences but should have the same effect that the following :
plot "stat_AMD" u 1:($1/Utau_AMD}) @title_AMD,\
"stat_WALE" u 1:($1/Utau_WALE}) @title_WALE,\
"stat_SIM" u 1:($1/Utau_SIM}) @title_SIM
I did not succeed in plotting anything and I am not sure that the link can be done between the value Utau_$elem for the bash script and Utau_.i from the gnuplot script. Does someone have an idea if it is possible and how can I code it ?
Thanks a lot !
Thank @markp-fuso, it works !
I just had to replace "($1/${Utau_fr[${i}]})" by "(column(1)/${Utau_fr[${i}]})" because the dollar signs are interpreted as starting a shell variable.