I have the unaccent
extension installed in Postgres and simple filters are working fine in my Django app, for example:
q = 'hello'
I'm now trying to annotate the queryset result with the search index:
queryset.annotate(search_index=StrIndex(Lower('name'), Value(q)))
That works fine by itself for unaccented text, but I'm trying to figure out a way to apply UNACCENT to the name variable. Essentially:
-- This is what I want!
STRPOS(LOWER(UNACCENT(core_ingredient.name)::text), 'hello') AS search_index_unaccented,
STRPOS(LOWER(core_ingredient.name), 'hello') AS search_index_basic
-- ...
I've tried:
# This has no effect, gives same query / result as above
queryset.annotate(search_index=StrIndex(Lower('name__unaccent'), Value(q)))
I've seen this answer: How use `unaccent` with full text search in django 1.10? but feel like that shouldn't be needed.
After additional digging, I was able to just do this:
Doesn't seem to be well documented in Django, but works as expected with SQL: