Using typesafe console with play 2.1.3 and akka 2.2.0

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I've included the following in my Play app configuration:

atmos {
    trace {
        enabled = true               
        node = Node1               
    send {
        warn = on

I've also added this to my run configuration:


I've included "com.typesafe.atmos" % "trace-akka-2.2.0_2.10" % "1.2.1" (I'm using akka 2.2.0) in my dependency list.

When I run my play app without atmos running I receive a warning about there being no receiver. When I start atmos in the background I don't receive this warning. From turning up the log level on atmos I can see it's registering something when I start my app. However when I look at the typesafe-console ui I don't see any nodes.

Is there something else I'm missing?

Thanks Brian


There are 1 answers

h3nk3 On

Firstly the warning you receive about there being no receiver is there to inform you that you also need to start the Collector. The traced application offloads its traces via a socket to the Collector and if there is no such Collector running there won't be any statistics created either.

Now to answer your question not only do you need to enable tracing but you must also make sure that all actors are traced with the atmos.trace.traceable flag like this:

atmos {
  trace {
    enabled = true
      node = Node1
      traceable {
        "*" = on
      sampling {
        "*" = 1

Finally I would like to point out that there is a Google Group for the Typesafe Console should you have any more questions.

HTH Henrik