I have the following piece of code where I'm trying to get the user to only enter integers; if a string is entered then it would display a system out error message "please only enter numbers" and then it would show the "Enter your ID#:" again. I tried using the try/catch method but was not using it correctly -- still a beginner. I know I can use the "NumberFormatException
" but not sure where. Can anyone help? Thanks!
//Get Customer ID and Account Number
{ System.out.print("Enter your ID#: ");
custid = Integer.parseInt(input.readLine());
System.out.print("Enter your Account Number#: ");
custacctnum = Integer.parseInt(input.readLine());
//validate the choice
for(int i=0; i<people.length; i++)
{ if ((people[i].custid == custid) && (people[i].custacctnum == custacctnum))
{ match = true;
System.out.println("Welcome " +people[i].firstname+ " to JJ Dealership!");
for(int p=0; p<cluster.length; p++)
System.out.println(+(p+1)+ ": " +cluster[p].year+"," +cluster[p].make+ "," +cluster[p].model);
System.out.println(people[i].firstname+ ", what color car would you like?");
if (!match)
{ System.out.println("Invalid ID");
} while (!(match));
Exceptions should be for exceptional circumstances. I suggest you use a
to justcontinue
when it isn't anint
. That is make aScanner
like,and then something like this would work,
If you really want to use
it should look something like,