using TransactionScope : System.Transactions.TransactionAbortedException: The transaction has aborted

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We're trying to do indirect nesting transaction using the code below, .NET 3.5 ,& SQL Server 2005.

MSDN says that when using TransactionScope, a transaction is escalated whenever application opens a second connection (even to the same database) within the Transaction.

void RootMethod()
   using(TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
      /* Perform transactional work here */

void FirstMethod()
    using(TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required))
     using (SqlConnection conn1 = new SqlConnection("Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=Northwind;Integrated Security=SSPI")) 
     string insertString = @"
             insert into Categories
             (CategoryName, Description)
             values ('Laptop1', 'Model001')";
         SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(insertString, conn1);

 void SecondMethod()
    using(TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required))
       using (SqlConnection conn2 = new SqlConnection("Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=Northwind;Integrated Security=SSPI")) 
     string insertString = @"
             insert into Categories
             (CategoryName, Description)
             values ('Laptop2', 'Model002')";

         conn2.Open();  //Looks like transactionabortedException is happening here
         SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(insertString, conn2);

Occasionally, the transaction fails that, is not promoting to DTC, and we are getting the following as the inner stack trace,

System.Transactions.TransactionAbortedException: The transaction has aborted. ---> 
System.Transactions.TransactionPromotionException: Failure while attempting to promote transaction. ---> 
System.InvalidOperationException: The requested operation cannot be completed because the connection has been broken.     
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.ExecuteTransaction(TransactionRequest transactionRequest, String name, IsolationLevel iso, SqlInternalTransaction internalTransaction, Boolean isDelegateControlRequest)     
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDelegatedTransaction.Promote()     --- End of inner exception stack trace ---     
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDelegatedTransaction.Promote()     
at System.Transactions.TransactionStatePSPEOperation.PSPEPromote(InternalTransaction tx)     
at System.Transactions.TransactionStateDelegatedBase.EnterState(InternalTransaction tx)     
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---     
at System.Transactions.TransactionStateAborted.CreateAbortingClone(InternalTransaction tx)     
at System.Transactions.DependentTransaction..ctor(IsolationLevel isoLevel, InternalTransaction internalTransaction, Boolean blocking)     
at System.Transactions.Transaction.DependentClone(DependentCloneOption cloneOption)     
at System.Transactions.TransactionScope.SetCurrent(Transaction newCurrent)     
at System.Transactions.TransactionScope.PushScope()     
at System.Transactions.TransactionScope..ctor(TransactionScopeOption scopeOption)    

Can anyone please help me figuring out the reason for this failure?


There are 2 answers

ratneshsinghparihar On

i can propose to you a better way to achieve your goal. there should be a single transaction for 2 DB call per connection.

it should be like

using (SqlConnection conn1 = new SqlConnection("Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=Northwind;Integrated Security=SSPI"))
    using (conn1.BeginTransaction()
Rodolfo Grave On

If you use TransactionScope and you:

  • open more than one connection to a database and
  • are connecting to a SQL Server 2005 server

the transaction will be escalated to DTC. Check this other SO question: TransactionScope automatically escalating to MSDTC on some machines?

The solution is either:

  • Use SQL Server 2008 or
  • Use SqlTransaction instead of TransactionScope just like the former answer suggests:

    using (var conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
        using (var tx = conn.BeginTransaction())