Using textFSM to parse multiple show commands

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I'm trying to use textFSM to compile some Juniper "show" command outputs and get specific fields from them and finally printing collected info in one run. This is my code:

import textfsm
import getpass
from netmiko import ConnectHandler
from netmiko.ssh_exception import NetMikoTimeoutException, NetMikoAuthenticationException
import os

def enable_netconf(remote_device):
    junos_device = ConnectHandler(**remote_device)
    command_2 = junos_device.send_command("show interfaces")

def main():
    print("Enter Device info to check:\n")
    tuser = input("Enter username: ")
    tpw = getpass.getpass()
    with open("D:\Documents\sample3.csv", encoding='utf-8') as tf:
        for line in tf:
            my_ip = line.rstrip(os.linesep)
            remote_device = {
                'device_type': 'juniper',
                'ip': my_ip,
                'username': tuser,
                'password': tpw,
    with open("D:\Documents\juniper_junos_show_interfaces.textsm", "r") as f:
        template = textfsm.TextFSM(f)
        result = template.ParseText(command_2)
if __name__ == '__main__':

I used Netmiko to connect to Juniper vMX device. I also download textFSM "show interfaces" temple from this link ( and saved them in D:\Documents folder.

first of All I need to make the basic function of textFSM to work. in the above code I got the error saying that "command_2" variable has not been defined which as seen I defined it inside the "def enable_netconf(remote_device)".

Would you please help me on this as I'm a newbie in Python. Thanks.


There are 1 answers

Mert Kulac On

If you want to use a variable in a different def, you can use the global command. In this example, just put "global comman_2" just below def enable_netconf(remote_device):

def enable_netconf(remote_device):

global command_2
junos_device = ConnectHandler(**remote_device)
command_2 = junos_device.send_command("show interfaces")