Using ShareLink in SwiftUI to create item text with URL link formatted for both the Message app and email

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My need is to use ShareLink to allow the user to send formatted email or text message including a URL link. My SwiftUI code looks like:

        item: itemText,
        subject: Text("Message from app user"),
        preview: SharePreview("Link",image: "AppIcon")) {
        Label(message, systemImage:  "square.and.arrow.up")

where I'm generating itemText from itemText(link: URL) (I've trimmed the string I'm using to just the basics):

    func shareItemMessage(link: URL) -> String {
            "Please join me on our app\n\n"
            + "Tap on [link](\(link)) to accept my invitation (link: \(link)).\n\n"

    func itemText(link: URL) -> (some Transferable)? {
        // The `available` condition is needed because only in iOS 16.1 does AttributedString conform to Transferable.
        if #available(iOS 16.1, *) {
            // The AttributedString options below enable inclusion of whitespace in the text formatting.
            // See also
            return try? AttributedString(markdown: shareItemMessage(link: link),
                options: AttributedString.MarkdownParsingOptions(
                    allowsExtendedAttributes: false,
                    interpretedSyntax: .inlineOnlyPreservingWhitespace,
                    failurePolicy: .returnPartiallyParsedIfPossible,
                    languageCode: nil
        } else {
            return shareItemMessage(link: link)

My problem is that the markdown gets stripped out when the user chooses the message app. Example:

enter image description here

And when they use an email, I get two links. Example:

enter image description here

Note that I've generated the image examples above running on an iPhone with > iOS 16.1, so it's using the AttributedString formatting for both the message and email.

Has anyone come up with a better way to do this? i.e., to use ShareLink to send a text email or message with a link?


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