Im trying to create a JSF page that lets the user select X amount of ingredients, and then saves those selected ingredients to a list.
Ingredient is an object with two values, String IngredientName and int ingredientPrice.
What I want to do is to create 1 selectItem per Ingredient in an IngredientList (dynamically sized), and then save the selected items to another list of ingredients.
I've tried doing this multiple different ways but either I get classcast exceptions or the checkboxes don't appear at all.
My Bean:
public class ManagedIngredientsBean {
IngredientBean iBean;
private List<Ingredient> ingredientList;
private List<Ingredient> checkedOptions;
private List<SelectItem> selectList;
public ManagedIngredientsBean() {
public String createNew(){
ingredientList = iBean.getAllIngredients();
selectList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(ingredientList.size());
for(Ingredient i : ingredientList){
selectList.add(new SelectItem(i.getIngredientName()));
return "createnew.xhtml";
public List<SelectItem> getSelectList() {
return selectList;
public void setSelectList(List<SelectItem> selectList) {
this.selectList = selectList;
public List<Ingredient> getCheckedOptions() {
return checkedOptions;
public void setCheckedOptions(List<Ingredient> checkedOptions) {
this.checkedOptions = checkedOptions;
public List<Ingredient> getIngredientList() {
return ingredientList;
public void setIngredientList(List<Ingredient> ingredientList) {
this.ingredientList = ingredientList;
public static class UserConverter implements Converter {
public Object getAsObject(FacesContext facesContext,
UIComponent component, String value) {
return value;
public String getAsString(FacesContext facesContext,
UIComponent component, Object o) {
Ingredient i = (Ingredient) o;
return i.getIngredientName();
IngredientBean used to get the Ingredient items from the persistence database and returning them as a list:
@Stateless(name = "IngredientEJB")
public class IngredientBean {
EntityManagerFactory entFactory;
EntityManager em;
public IngredientBean() {
entFactory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("NewPersistenceUnit");
em = entFactory.createEntityManager();
public List<Ingredient> getAllIngredients(){
TypedQuery<Ingredient> ingQuery = em.createQuery("SELECT i FROM Ingredient i", Ingredient.class);
List<Ingredient> iList = ingQuery.getResultList();
return iList;
My JSF Page:
<!DOCTYPE html
PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns=""
<title>Create New Order</title>
<h:selectManyCheckbox value = "#{managedIngredientsBean.checkedOptions}">
<f:converter converterId="userConverter"/>
<f:selectItem value = "#{managedIngredientsBean.selectList}" var = "item" itemLabel = "#{item.getIngredientName()}" itemValue = "#{item}"/>
I'm probably missing something obvious or simply misunderstanding how to use the selectManyCheckbox element but I'm completely stuck on how to fix this. Appreciate any answers on how I should be implementing this. :)
Edit: Forgot to mention, the createNew() method in the managed bean is called in the previous JSF page and redirects to this one.
your converter is broken.
first, it have to be a bean so must not be a
static class
.second, it "should" be symmetric:
x.equals(c.getAsObject(ctx, comp, c.getAsString(ctx, component, x)));
"should" be true.