I am automating a security policy creation and I have the records below, including source/dst IP, src/dst/zone, policy name and port. I can easily move the record around and insert text between them using awk, but I stuck at a point when I need to modify an individual record and keep the rest the same. As in the below, in the 3rd record I need to replace "." with "_" and "/" with "-", for the reason that "." and "/" are notsupported in policy names.
net- net- net- vpn-zone internal-zone-servers udp-123
net- net- net- vpn-zone internal-zone-users grp-app-ldap
net- net- net- dmz-zone1 internal-zone-users tcp-389
net- net- net- dmz-zone2 internal-zone-servers tcp-8080
I need to get to something like:
net- net- net-10_1_24_0-23_net-10_20_0_0-27 vpn-zone internal-zone-servers udp-123
So far I achieved the same result but saving 3rd record to a new file, substiuting "." and "/" with sed and then using "paste file1 file2" to join them together. Also it can be done by a script. but I was hoping that you can advise on more intelligent and simple one line awk/sed solution.
I would do 2 substitutions on the third field then print the line: