Using PyGithub, how do I get the last known update time for a repository?

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I've been developing a portfolio website and part of the data for the projects (like the project summaries and the latest update times) are obtained through PyGithub using the project title.

When I call for an update to my database it compares the time (which is stored as a string but converted to a datetime object for comparison) stored to the time that I get from the Repository()._updated_at.value. The following is the function I use to get the project information through PyGithub.

def access_project(title: str) -> dict:
    auth = Auth.Token(os.environ.get("GITHUB_TOKEN"))
    g = Github(auth=auth)
    repo = g.get_user().get_repo(title)
    my_project = {
        'title': title,
        'description': repo.description,
        'last_updated': repo._updated_at.value,
    return my_project

The issue I'm having is that the value from repo._updated_at.value is the exact same value that I have stored in my database, despite the fact that I just updated one of my projects just around half an hour ago after a couple months of having left it untouched. I don't really understand why this is, my best guess would be that maybe the update time of the repository itself is different from that of just the files that I updated.

Either way, I'd like to avoid having to compare EVERY files' latest update time and picking out the latest if possible. Any suggestions?


There are 1 answers

Grekys On

Found it! What I wanted was the Repository().pushed_at value, which gives me the time of the last push to my repository. So for my code I'd just change repo._updated_at.value to repo.pushed_at