Using Postgraphile in nodeJS, how to enable aggregate max of date field?

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I am using postgraphile in NodeJS for graphql API based on Postgresql database. I need to get max(date_field), but postgraphile does not provide that option by default.

How can I enable aggregation of max on a date field?

I want something as follows. But inspection_Date field is not available under max

query Query {
  allRooms {
    aggregates {
      max {

There are 1 answers

THX1138 On

Using a slightly modified version of the approach outlined in the defining your own aggregates section of the pg-aggregates readme, you can create a new graphile plugin that uses a hook to modify the existing aggregate specs for "min" and "max" to use a different isSuitableType function that includes temporal types as well as numeric types:

import type { Plugin } from "graphile-build";
import type { AggregateSpec } from "@graphile/pg-aggregates/dist/interfaces";
import type { PgType } from "graphile-build-pg";

const addTemporalAggregatesPlugin: Plugin = (builder) => {
    (build) => {
      const { pgAggregateSpecs } = build;

      const isNumberLikeOrTemporal = (pgType: PgType): boolean =>
        pgType.category === "N" || pgType.category === "D";

      // modify isSuitableType for max and min aggregates
      // to include temporal types see:
      const specs = (pgAggregateSpecs as AggregateSpec[] | undefined)?.map(
        (spec) => {
          if ( === "min" || === "max") {
            return {
              isSuitableType: isNumberLikeOrTemporal,
          return spec;

      if (!specs) {
        throw Error(
          "Please that the pg-aggregates plugin is present and that AddTemporalAggregatesPlugin is appended AFTER it!"

      const newBuild = build.extend(build, {});
      // add modified aggregate specs to the build
      newBuild.pgAggregateSpecs = specs;
      return newBuild;
    // ensure this hook fires before other hooks in the pg-aggregates plugin
    // that may depend on the "pgAggregatesSpecs" extension.

export default addTemporalAggregatesPlugin;

Then just append this new plugin after the pg-aggregates plugin:

postgraphile(pool, "my_schema", {
    appendPlugins: [
    // ...