I'm trying to use the OPOS for NET applications But I don't know how to use it with a fiscal printer that is connected to port COM1.
If I use an external library like this "http://www.impresoras-fiscales.com.ar/" the printer prints.
But I want to create my own library/application. So for that as per the comments I read, I need to have a logical name for the printer, but currently I don't have it and it is working with the other library.
I need to know how I can connect me to the printer as the other library using just the port COM number.
This is the code that I use with the other library:
nError = imprimir.IF_OPEN("", 555);
//nError = imprimir.IF_OPEN(oPunto.url, Convert.ToInt32(oPunto.puerto));
nError = imprimir.IF_WRITE("@PONEENCABEZADO|1|Vendedor: " + oEmpleado.Nombre);
if (IdMesa != 0)
nError = imprimir.IF_WRITE("@PONEENCABEZADO|2|Mesa: " + IdMesa);
nError = imprimir.IF_WRITE("@PONEENCABEZADO|2|Venta para llevar");
nError = imprimir.IF_WRITE("@PONEENCABEZADO|5|");
nError = imprimir.IF_WRITE("@TIQUEABRE|C|");
nError = imprimir.IF_WRITE("@TIQUEITEM|" + DescProducto + "|" + Cantidad + "|" + Total + "|" + Iva + "|M|1|0|0|");
nError = imprimir.IF_WRITE("@TIQUEPAGO|Su Pago es de: |" + Total + "|T|");
nError = imprimir.IF_WRITE("@TIQUECIERRA|T|");
In this case, I'm using the library to connect me by the network (see the IP) but I just need a desktop application that can print fiscal receipt. In the client computer, I install a small application where I set the COM port.
So, I need to have the same behavior but using my own code. Could you help me... Please see the way I connect to the printer just using the COM1. I need something similar