Using Playwright for Python, how do I select an option from a drop down list?

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This is a followup to this question on the basic functionality of Playwright for Python.

How do I select an option from a drop down list?

This example remote controls a vuejs-webseite that has a drop down list of fruits like "Apple", "Banana", "Carrot", "Orange"

Here I want to select the option "Banana"

from playwright import sync_playwright
import time

URL = '<my url>'

with sync_playwright() as p:
    browser = p.chromium.launch(headless=False)
    page = browser.newPage()

    # identify this element by ID. Wait for it first
    new_selector = 'id=name-fruit'
    handle = page.querySelector(new_selector)

    # at this point I have the element and can print the content

The drop down list HTML like this

<select data-v-c2cef47a="" id="name-fruit" autocomplete="true" class="form-select__select">
    <option data-v-c2cef47a="" disabled="disabled" value=""><!----></option>
    <option data-v-c2cef47a="" value="[object Object]"> Apple </option>
    <option data-v-c2cef47a="" value="[object Object]"> Banana </option>
    <option data-v-c2cef47a="" value="[object Object]"> Carrot </option>
    <option data-v-c2cef47a="" value="[object Object]"> Orange </option> 

in Selenium, I would select an option like this

from import Select
Select(handle).select_by_visible_text('Banana')  # Note: no spaces needed!

The Javascript docs for Playwright have this, which is not exactly the same, because it seems to identify the object at the same time.

// Single selection matching the label
await page.selectOption('select#colors', { label: 'Blue' });

How do I do the selection in Playwright for Python?

I tried both of these and nothing happens.

handle.selectOption("text= Banana ")

There are 5 answers


After trying many different variants, I guessed a working syntax

handle.selectOption({"label": "Banana"})
caram On

You don't need the handle, you can use the page or frame directly.

Using playwright-python:

page.select_option('select#name-fruit', label='Banana')
page.select_option('select#name-fruit', value='')
Reno On

If you have to select a list option based on "contains" , here is what I used

  • Basically get a locator to find the option with text

  • Get the full text of the option

  • Use that full text to select the option

      dropdown_locator = page.locator(DROPDOWN_LOCATOR)
      dropdown_locator = dropdown_locator.filter(has_text="Banana")
      options_txt = activity_locator.text_content()
      options = options_txt.split('\n')
      print("Monkey searching banana in " + str(options))
      full_label = ""
      for item in options:
          if "Banana" in item:
              full_label = item.strip()
      if len(full_label) != 0:
          page.select_option(DROPDOWN_LOCATOR, label=full_label)
Max Schmitt On

A working example for Playwright for Python:

page.select_option('select#colors', label='Banana')

or for JavaScript:

await page.selectOption('select#colors', { label: 'Banana' });

See here for further handling of how to interact with selectors and how to use it in different languages and scenarios like JavaScript.

buddemat On

You can also alternatively use the index or the value to select an option:

handle.selectOption([{'label': 'Banana'}])  # selects 'Banana'
handle.selectOption([{'index': 3}])         # selects 'Carrot'
handle.selectOption([{'value': ''}])        # selects the empty option (works even though it is disabled)