Is there any example of using Org-mode with octopress for blogging? I want to use org-mode for all the blog posts and export it to html. I understand this is possible, is there any example for this to learn and do the same.
Using octopress with emacs org-mode for blogging
988 views Asked by 18bytes At
There are 2 answers
Some time back I wrote an article on this topic:
This uses the orgmode-octopress emacs plugin: and
Unfortunately, this does not work with Emacs 24.3 and org-mode v8. :-(
There's a different org-mode octopress package (available in the emacs package manager):
Unfortunately, the documentation on that is sparse. I plan to update my blog and this answer once I get a good solution to work with emacs 24.3 and org-mode v8.
I have begun migrating to Octopress as well. Being an Org-mode user, I was interested in the same thing. Here is a link I found that might prove useful to you: