Using more than one thread with vCPU in GAMS

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I am using GAMS to solve a linear problem with CPLEX.

As the needed memory is to high for my private machine, I set up a virtual server with the following specifications:

64GB RAM and 8vCPU

On my private machine (16GB RAM, 3.30 GHz with 12 logical processors) I normally use the following settings, to enable parallel calculation and speed up the whole process a lot, supposedly because I can use all of my CPU.

option LP=CPLEX;
option threads = 12; 

When I am using this setting (threads = 8) on the virtual server, the CPU stays around 50% usage and the task takes forever. Is it possible, that the "option threads" cannot be used for virtual CPUs? What could be a workaround?

Thanks a lot :)


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