I am trying to convert my project over to use Ryan Niemeyer's drag and drop plugin (http://www.knockmeout.net/2012/02/revisiting-dragging-dropping-and.html).
I'm trying to implement an is dirty flag to indicate if a item has been dragged to a new location on the screen and I have implemented this using the IsDirty property
var AccountViewModel = function(data) {
this.$type = 'AccountViewModel';
this.IsDirty = new ko.observable(false);
ko.mapping.fromJS(data, mapping, this);
this.add = function(item) {
I have an aftermove event that should set the IsDirty property to true but for some reason I have to move the object twice before my data-binding will pick it up.
ko.bindingHandlers.sortable.afterMove = function(args) {
args.item.IsDirty = true;
<div class="accounts" data-bind="sortable: { data: Accounts }">
<div class="row" data-bind="css: { dirty: IsDirty, newItem: IsNewAccount }">
<div class="actions item"></div>
<div class="accountItem item" data-bind="text: IsDirty"></div>
<div class="accountItem item" data-bind="text: AccountName"></div>
<div class="accountItem item" data-bind="text: IACode"></div>
<div class="accountItem item" data-bind="dateFormat: OpenDate"></div>
<div class="accountItem numberItem item" data-bind="text: T12Revenue"></div>
<div class="accountItem numberItem item" data-bind="text: AUA"></div>
<div class="accountItem item"></div>
<div class="actions item"><img id="delete" src="~/Images/delete.png"/></div>
Do I have to force a refresh on KO or something ? any help would be greatly appreciated!!
property defined withthis.IsDirty = new ko.observable(false);
so it is knockout observable.Observables are functions and you need set their values with calling them with the value as the argument what you want to set:
Demo JSFiddle