I was going through JNRPE. Now in my network we have nagios tool installed which monitors the network. I want to understand how JNRPE can help me. I visited many links, went through entire JNRPE website to understand why should I use it and how useful it can be after having nagios tool but I am yet to find anything concrete on this subject.
I understand that JNRPE is used to execute Nagios plugins.
Why in the firsthand I need Nagios plugins. Suppose I have an application running on a web server. What can be the purpose of Nagios plugin in the first place ....
Inspite of having a Nagios tool how can I utilize JNRPE . Basically I am not sure what can be the possible use case behind the implementation of JNRPE and how it well help in a web application project when I am already using something of a kind of Sigar to fetch the hardware parameters of the server.
Also note my application relies heavily on HTTP traffic.
Can anyone please guide as to the possible usecase behind the implementation of JNRPE in a web application.
I'm the founder of the JNRPE project.
Everything hovanessyan says is right, however I'd like to add:
You can find the following main use cases: