Using Java schemacrawler, why is it scanning every table in my database? Shouldn't it just be scanning the database I specified on the command line: -database=openfire ???
:: schemacrawler batch launcher
@echo off
C:\JDK\bin\java.exe -classpath jtds-1.2.4.jar;schemacrawler-8.8.jar; \
schemacrawler-sqlserver-8.8.jar \
-user=sa -password=password -database=openfire -port=1433 -host=localhost \
-table_types=TABLE -command=schema -schemas=.*\.dbo.* -infolevel=standard \
Ok, I figured it out. The -database flag only gives the sql driver a connect path, it doesn't affect the filter for the database name. In other words:
So, the answer is:
My finished batch script: