I am trying to set the ACL/inheritance for a folder (or file) as follows: icacls /inheritance:r /grant:r "builtin\administrators":(I)(F)
However, this produces an error (icacls doesn't recognize the "(I)" as being valid?).
According to icacls /?, (I) is one of the inheritance rights (along with (OI), (CI), (IO), and (NP)).
When I reset the perms on the object, the icacls command shows: builtin\administrators:(I)(OI)(CI)(F)
So the '(I)' setting IS 'in there'. I suspect I need to go through some hoops to get this where it needs to be (i.e., builtin\administrators:(I)(F)), but after spending the better part of the day searching for examples and trying various routes, I'm still where I started.
Anyone know the trick to this?