I have a Github Action (GHA) that creates a Docker image and send it to AWS.
This image contains a Java
application that is built with Maven
and have a dependency from Github Packages, which is only accessible using a personal github token (or a generic github token on GHA).
Running my application locally (without docker), I should setup my maven settings.xml
to use my personal github user and token.
Maven settings.xml
file, inside user/.m2
Running with Docker, I copy this settings.xml
to docker and it works.
FROM eclipse-temurin:17-jdk-focal
RUN mkdir -p /root/.m2 \
&& mkdir /root/.m2/repository
COPY settings.xml /root/.m2
RUN ./mvnw dependency:go-offline
CMD ["./mvnw", "spring-boot:run"]
Running with GHA, I saved my personal user/token in secrets and used it on this settings.xml
- name: exchange secrets on settings.xml
run: envsubst < settings.xml.j2 > settings.xml
Some docs I found, but didn't help me:
- github_token in a workflow
- authenticate to a GitHub Packages registry within a GitHub Actions workflow
My problem/question:
I don't want to store/use my personal user/token as a secret on this repository, and I know that Github have a secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN
for these cases, but I don't know how to use it on maven settings.xml
file, that requires a token and user.
Is there a way to use this secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN