I have a geotiff file. I can read the highest resolution level just fine using:
GeoTiffReader reader = new GeoTiffReader(file, new Hints(Hints.FORCE_LONGITUDE_FIRST_AXIS_ORDER, Boolean.TRUE));
String[] gridCoverageNames = reader.getGridCoverageNames();
GridCoverage2D coverage = reader.read(gridCoverageNames[0], null);
// now time to read a lower resolution
int numOverviews = reader.getNumOverviews();
double[][] resolutionLevels = reader.getResolutionLevels();
//now what??
The numOverviews returns a value of 6 and I can also use the getResolutionLevels to get the resolutions of the various levels.
It seems like what I want to do is call setLayout or setReadParams on the reader but these are protected.
How do I read the lower resolution images in the file?