I have two DSLs - EmployeeAction
and ContactAction
. Here are my traits (Actions)
Complete Gist: link
sealed trait EmployeeAction[R]
case class GetEmployee(id: Long) extends EmployeeAction[Either[Error, Employee]]
sealed trait ContactAction[R]
case class GetAddress(empId: Long) extends ContactAction[Either[Error, Address]]
I've used cats
' Coproduct
and Inject
here is my program to get manager's address:
type Program = Coproduct[EmployeeAction, ContactAction, A]
def findManagerAddress(employeeId: Long)
(implicit EA: EmployeeActions[Program],
CA: ContactActions[Program]): Free[Program, Address] = {
import EA._, CA._
for {
employee <- getEmployee(employeeId)
managerAddress <- getAddress(employee.managerId)
} yield managerAddress
The above doesn't compile because getEmployee
returns an Either[Error, Employee]
. How do I handle this in Free
for comprehension?
I tried wrapping up with EitherT
monad transformer as below, it shows no errors in IntelliJ but it fails upon building.
for {
employee <- EitherT(getEmployee(employeeId))
managerAddress <- EitherT(getAddress(employee.managerId))
} yield managerAddress
Below is the error:
[scalac-2.11] /local/home/arjun/code/Free/src/FreeScalaScripts/src/free/program/Program.scala:71: error: no type parameters for method apply: (value: F[Either[A,B]])cats.data.EitherT[F,A,B] in object EitherT exist so that it can be applied to arguments (cats.free.Free[free.Program,Either[free.Error,free.Employee]])
[scalac-2.11] --- because ---
[scalac-2.11] argument expression's type is not compatible with formal parameter type;
[scalac-2.11] found : cats.free.Free[free.Program,Either[free.Error,free.Employee]]
[scalac-2.11] required: ?F[Either[?A,?B]]
[scalac-2.11] employee <- EitherT(getEmployee(employeeId))
[scalac-2.11] ^
How do I deal with Either in for comprehension and how to propagate the errors to the caller? I want to know for which all employee ids the call failed.
takes aF[Either[A, B]]
but you have aFree[Program, Either[Error, Employee]]
, which is not compatible.The solution to create a type alias for
Free[Program, A]
:Then make
returnMyAlias[Either[Error, Employee]]
and same forgetAddress