I am trying to use devise_token_auth with jsonapi-resources. I have it set up where I can create users and sign in, but I cannot figure out how to access a controller that has needs to authenticate a user first. Here is my controller that I am trying to require authentication:
class FriendsController < JSONAPI::ResourceController
include DeviseTokenAuth::Concerns::SetUserByToken
before_action :authenticate_user!
When I try localhost:3000/friends
, I get a 401 "Authorized users only." error, so I think it works. I think my main problem is Im not sure what to do with the access-token I get when I sign in. I have tried setting it in the header in my request, but still get the same "Authorized users only" error.
Devise token authentication is quite independent of
. If you can get token authentication working (as explained in this answer, for example: Custom devise api token auth) you can simply extend your controller (or your ApplicationController) with the authentication concern and it should behave as a normal Rails controller would.