Using CPAN to install Dancer and dependencies

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I am trying to create a sample web service using Dancer. I am using Ubuntu 10.04 as my OS. I installed Dancer and dependencies using CPAN client and can also do

dancer -a MyApp

However, when I try to run the file, the code throws an error saying not found. I am sure this file was downloaded when the dependencies were installed. A have a few questions :-

1. Where does CPAN put all these files which were downloaded? How are they included in the @INC?
2. For using Dancer, do I have to manually include all the files in @INC?

I tried to create a very simple perl dancer app the says hello world by including the path in @INC. However, it keeps failing because of some or the other dependency missing.

Help me in understanding what am I doing wrong?


There are 1 answers


cpan should put files in one of the path from @INC
perl -E '$"="\n"; say "@INC"'
Output on my system:


And cpan puts files in /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2
Because this path exists in @INC you shouldn't include it manually. And what about Dancer, YAML is not hard dependency for it, because of this it wasn't installed.