Using client javascript to monitor new elements added to document

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i was using Object.observe() a few months ago to monitor any recursive changes from window.document. Now O.o() is withdrawn from em6+, i need to customize this behavior. I need access to new elements created anywhere in the document.

I've tried These Projects (works, but without child recursion):

I read from the Mozilla MDN to use proxy I'm not sure which trap to use, or how to make this recursive.

Here is the exact code i've been using with O.o() :

                    var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) {
                        mutations.forEach(function (mutation) {
                                console.log("Observed Mutation:");

                    //mutation observer configuration
                    var config = {
                        childList: true,
                        attributes: true,
                        characterData: true,
                        subtree: true,
                        attributeOldValue: true,
                        characterDataOldValue: true
                        attributeFilter: false

                    // pass in the target node and options to mutation observer
                    observer.observe(document, config);

What is the minimal amount of code that will give me access to newly created objects with or without using a polyfill?


There are 1 answers

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Found the answer through ##javascript from: jaawerth