I'm trying to make an items scroller of sorts for my game. I decided upon the extension CCMenuAdvanced
, and I was able to implement a working menu list with working buttons. However, I don't quite understand how to properly contain my menu inside a boundaryRect. It is clear to me that boundaryRect does not make "out of bounds" part of the menu list disappear - it seems to only be responsible for scrolling. The question then is what else do I have to do to get a self-contained items list using CCMenuAdvanced
that becomes invisible and unresponsive when no longer in the boundary? Do I have to schedule an additional update method that tracks the location of individual elements and changes their opacity and visibility or is there a supported solution to this?
NSArray *menuItems = [self labelsFromInventory];
CCMenuAdvanced *menu = [CCMenuAdvanced menuWithItems: nil];
for (CCMenuItem *item in menuItems)
[menu addChild: item];
[menu alignItemsVerticallyWithPadding: 10 bottomToTop: NO]; //< also sets contentSize and keyBindings on Mac
//menu.isRelativeAnchorPoint = YES;
menu.position = ccp(30, 40);
[self addChild:menu z:2 tag:101];
menu.scale = MIN ((winSize.width / 2.0f) / menu.contentSize.width, 0.75f );
menu.boundaryRect = CGRectMake(menu.position.x, menu.position.y, 190.0, 20.0);
[menu fixPosition];
I started off with CCMenuAdvanced to create a menu that clamps in a boundary box. Instead of moving the position of the menu, i chose to move the position of the menu items contained in the menu. This gave me the ability to set the visibility and other properties of the menu items if they were going to be outside the boundaries (I added a boundaryBox property to the menu, as well as properties for spacing between menu items, height of a top and bottom buffer zone in points). My scrolling menu also provides a top and bottom buffer zone where i fade out the menu item when nearing the top or bottom.
I determine in the ccTouchMoved method whether a move is possible or not (ie the menu items are already at the maximum Y or minimum Y they could be). If a move is possible, I apply the deltaY to all the menu items and set each menu item's opacity and visibility properties. The hard part was the clamping.