Using C# to register a type library from a given .dll

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I've been using System.EnterpriseServices.Internal.Publish.RegisterAssembly('Path to assembly.dll') to register my assembly, but I need to create a type library and register that also.

I've tried using RegisterTypeLib:

static extern int RegisterTypeLib(ITypeLib ptlib, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string szFullPath, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string szHelpDir);

like this :

Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(TheAction[2]);
RegistrationServices regAsm = new RegistrationServices();

bool bResult = regAsm.RegisterAssembly(asm, AssemblyRegistrationFlags.SetCodeBase);

TypeLibConverter converter = new TypeLibConverter();
ConversionEventHandler eventHandler = new ConversionEventHandler();

ITypeLib typeLib = (ITypeLib)converter.ConvertAssemblyToTypeLib(asm, TheAction[2].Replace (".dll",".tlb"), 0, eventHandler);

RegisterTypeLib(typeLib, TheAction[2].Replace(".dll", ".tlb"), string.Empty);

It throws no error, so how can I check if it worked?

Also, if there is a simpler way to do this from C# I'd love to hear about it :)


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