What step do I need to follow to use some of the built-in icons of Visual Studio in my extension toolbar (e.g. Open, Save, Run, Break icons)?
I have tried using constants such as cmdidSave
from stdidcmd.h
in my VSCT file like this:
<Button guid="guidBBTWindowPackageCmdSet" id="cmdidMyButton1" priority="0x0101" type="Button">
<Parent guid="guidBBTWindowPackageCmdSet" id="ToolbarGroupID"/>
<Icon guid="CMDSETID_StandardCommandSet14" id="cmdidSave" />
<ButtonText>Load File</ButtonText>
But it doesn't show the icon. Instead it starts showing the button in text style (text caption instead of image).
On the other hand, it works fine if I use the "image strip method" (as done in the default extension template), but that's not what I want to do.
OK. So here it is in case anyone is struggling:
At the top of your VSCT file, include this reference:
Visual Studio (as of VS2015 Community Update 3) knows where this file is.
Now use
node's GUID. Visual Studio Intellisense will list down all available icon for you to choose (you didn't expect it, right!).Note the extra line
. This must be included immediately after the<Icon>